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Tick- Info (Download  Tick Management Info free)


Lyme and Tick-

Borne Disease Info

· The Beginning

· Rashes

· Early Detection 

· Testing

· Symptoms

· Additional Symptoms

· Co-infections

· Late stage Infection

· Antibiotics

· Treatment

· Herxheimer Reaction

· Mechanism of Action

· Survival Tactics

· The Bad News 

· Conclusion

· Good News

· Prevention

· Alternative Treatments

· Lyme Disease Politics

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Lyme tests are not accurate-2005 John Hopkins study


Articles on the Persistence and Virulence of Lyme

by Miklossy, Luft, Barthold,  others


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Michele Moynihan's Presentation "Lyme Disease: Be Lyme Wise* is a Great Educational Presentation for School Children 



on Tick-Borne Diseases plus


and The Third Great Plague



Autism and Lyme Disease


LYME & Pregnancy by John Drulle, MD



Alzheimer's and Lyme Disease

ALS and Lyme




Worm Parasites, FILARIASIS Nematodes in ticks?

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American Academy of Neurology Radio Ad (AAN)

The Academy of Neurology once put out ads which endorsed the IDSA guidelines. You'll note that some of the same board members at the AAN sit on the IDSA board ! It seems impossible that a group of medical people would work so vigorously and with such malice against a group of desperately ill people. But, here it is. No doubt, this was a response to the CT. AG investigation. 

disturbing, Tape Below shows how the American Academy of Neurology once advertised about Treatment for Tick-Borne Diseases 

(note we are grateful to neurologists who have not held strictly to any guidelines and who are helping patients)

Currently, very little is being taught about tick-borne diseases in medical schools. Perhaps ads like the one found on this page have contributed to a feeling that education on Tick-Borne Diseases isn't necessary.

By listening to Tick-Borne Diseases as once advertised by the American Academy of Neurology, (AAN) you may understand why patients face more than just the battle to get well. (Scroll below to the media player icon to listen )

This Ad was aired in the Washington, DC area in 2006-7 after the IDSA handed down their now infamous Lyme disease guidelines (October, 2006). When patients and advocates first heard this Neurology Ad, everyone was outraged! This advertisement was a questionable tactic, indeed, more political than helpful and a good or bad use of AAN membership dues?
This AAN ad promoting a rigid protocol were not widely heard but they added to the Lyme controversies and misunderstandings and all has taken its toll.  Sadly, the effects of this heated debate are still being felt.

We include it now in order to help patients and/or their loved ones understand why we encounter so many obstacles.  (Many people first learning about Lyme disease do not understand why we are in the plight we're in.  We may never fully know why there has been such a huge debate, but this ad illustrates some of our history.) 

Thousands of patients have always reported and continue to report that, once diagnosed, they experience  positive, life-saving effects of long term antibiotics and anti-microbials as used for tick-borne diseases. Therefore, many patients and doctors did not agree with the American Academy of Neurology radio ad. In the ad, the American Academy of Neurology promoted the basic ideas of the IDSA guidelines for Lyme disease.  Interesting that the American Academy of Neurology adopted their own Lyme and tick-borne diseases guidelines, but there was very little change from the IDSA guidelines, including little change of the authors from one medical organization to another, IDSA to AAN. 

Note that the IDSA guidelines themselves include phrases throughout their guidelines that do suggest there is not enough evidence to fully support any specific idea or protocol as a complete answer and the guidelines also state that more study is needed throughout the (approximately) 80 page document.

One of the main things we'd like to see everyone focus on is that although there are risks in taking any medicine, for long suffering victims of tick-borne diseases, who do not get well with the standard short term treatment, the risks of the side effects of anti-microbials are not enough to outweigh the fact that a desperately sick patient may benefit greatly from a different and more individualized  viewpoint, benefit enough to be able to return to a normal life after long term antibiotic therapy.  

To repeat our purpose in providing this tape:

By listening to "Tick-Borne Diseases as once advertised by the American Academy of Neurology," you may understand why patients still face more than just a battle to get well:

click to play

(note we are grateful to neurologists who have not held strictly to any guidelines and who are helping patients)

Angela Babb - Media & Public Relations Program Manager
ababb@aan.com    (651) 695-2789
American Academy of Neurology
1080 Montreal Avenue - Saint Paul, MN 55116
Tel: (800) 879-1960 or (651) 695-2717
Fax: (651) 695-2791