DVD's If
you would like to order the To: PO
*$20.00 plus 2.00 shipping and handling for each DVD ordered, However: If you would like both DVDs, please send $35.00 plus 3.00 shipping and handling for both DVDs The DVD of the complete Lyme Disease Town Hall Meeting With Guest Speakers and Q & A is almost three hours long and includes speeches and testimony by: Dr. Burrascano, MD, www.ILADS.org , International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society Suffolk County Legislator Ed Romaine
NY State Assemblyman
Fred W. Thiele Jr. of Shelter Island Supervisor Alfred Kilb Staci Grodin, Founder: Turn the Corner Foundation (www.turnthecorner.org) Dr. Ruggiero, D.O., Practicing Lyme physician, Suffolk County, NY
Viserto, Lyme Induced Autism Foundation (www.liafoundation.org)
J. Chaudhry, D.O.,
M.S., Suffolk Cty
Commissioner of Health Services Karen Hassan, Acting Vice President, Empire State Lyme Disease Association, Inc. “How family’s are affected by Lyme disease” Eva Haughie, President, Empire State Lyme Disease Association, Inc Much thanks and gratitude to our Suffolk County Legislator Ed Romaine for understanding our plight and for hosting the Lyme Disease Town Hall Meeting in Riverhead!